Your standards define how your company acts, which, in turn, builds trust in your brand. They can be guidelines that describe quality, performance, safety, terminology, testing, or management systems, to name a few. Standards provide people and organizations with a basis for mutual understanding and are used as tools (pardon the pun) to facilitate communication, measurement, commerce and manufacturing as well as a method to compare one company, service or product against another.
In our industry, there are no standards, no self-regulating groups, not even OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency have any direct oversight on the diamond tool manufacturing industry. Testing labs are routinely establishing or confirming various standards for many aspects of the construction industry (i.e. concrete, asphalt, etc.) while ironically the tools they require to do that work have zero standards.

This is an incredibly competitive industry and 4CoreBiz stands head and shoulders above the rest because of our more than 20 years in the business. 4Corebiz experience and knowledge of each company and the products they make and more importantly, how they perform in a specific aggregate and/or against each other is invaluable! Call 4Corebiz for a free valuation today at 888-831-9557.
All our products have been field-tested by our network of pro coring/cutting companies in the U.S. and Canada. Each is specifically constructed for the aggregate and material you are working with. Every product we offer is designed to make you and your people in the field’s jobs and lives easier which will in turn, make you and your company more efficient and more profitable.
In the unregulated, non-standardized world of diamond tooling, take comfort in the fact that you can count on 4CoreBiz today and every day for the answers to your tool and equipment questions and any job specific questions that you may have.
When standards matter, choose 4CoreBiz!
Call 4Corebiz today at 888-831-9557!